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Safeguarding Matters: Live Educational Forum with Professor Daryl Higgins

Kooyoora is proud to present Safeguarding Matters: Live, a new educational forum featuring invited leading experts to encourage deeper engagement with critical safeguarding topics.

The inaugural session, held on 27th November 2024, featured Professor Daryl Higgins, Director of the Institute of Child Protection Studies at the Australian Catholic University. Nationally recognised for its expertise in child protection, the Institute aims to create a significant impact on critical social issues, child-centred practice, service systems, and public policy.

Professor Higgins was one of the Chief Investigators of the Australian Child Maltreatment Study, the first national prevalence study of all forms of child abuse and neglect. In his presentation, Daryl shared key insights from this landmark research, highlighting its implications for prevention, policy, and protective practices. He also discussed how approaches to preventing child sexual abuse have evolved over the past three decades, where we stand now, and promising new directions.

Our new educational forums offer valuable opportunities to engage with safeguarding topics and learn from leading experts. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements about future sessions.


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