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Forms of Abuse

Abuse takes on various forms, and it's crucial to recognise these types to understand the different ways harm can occur. Below are some common forms of abuse.

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  • Involves intentional bodily harm, physical force, or violence.

  • Manipulation, humiliation, threats, and verbal attacks causing emotional distress.

  • Harassment, threats, or manipulation using digital platforms and technology.

  • Harmful actions towards older adults, often involving physical, emotional, or financial exploitation.

  • Use of harsh words, insults, or constant criticism to degrade and control.

  • Inappropriate sexual behaviour or coercion without consent.

  • Controlling or exploiting someone's financial resources, restricting access to funds, or stealing money.

  • Failure to provide necessary care, support, or attention, especially in caregiving relationships.

  • Harassment, discrimination, or mistreatment in a professional setting.

  • Failure to provide necessary care, support, or attention, especially in caregiving relationships.

  • Use of harsh words, insults, or constant criticism to degrade and control.

  • Exploiting individuals through force, coercion, or deception for forced labour or commercial sexual exploitation.

  • Exploiting someone's spiritual beliefs to manipulate, control, or harm them.

Learn More About

It's vital to note that abuse can happen in various relationships, like intimate partnerships, family settings, workplaces, or institutions. Recognising and addressing abuse requires awareness, support, and intervention tailored to the specific context.

If you are experiencing a difficult time, or concerned for someone’s safety, contact us.