If you or a child are in immediate danger, call Triple Zero (000)

Forms of Harassment

Harassment can manifest in various forms, and it's essential to recognise these types to understand the different ways it can occur. Below are some common forms of harassment. Click on the arrows to understand more about each area.

  • Unwanted and offensive behaviour, including verbal abuse, insults, or offensive comments, directed at an individual.

  • Harassment conducted through digital platforms, encompassing online bullying, cyberstalking, or any form of unwanted online attention.

  • Discriminatory treatment or offensive behaviour targeting an individual's religious beliefs, practices, or affiliation.

  • Unfair treatment or offensive behaviour based on a person's sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

  • Unfair treatment or offensive behaviour directed at an individual with a disability, hindering their participation or creating a hostile environment.

  • Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favours, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature creating a hostile environment.

  • Repeated, harmful actions intended to humiliate, intimidate, or degrade someone, occurring in various settings, including schools, workplaces, or online

  • Unfair and discriminatory treatment in the workplace based on factors such as race, gender, age, or disability, leading to a hostile work environment.

  • Unfair treatment or offensive behaviour based on a person's race, ethnicity, or nationality, contributing to a hostile environment.

  • Unwanted or discriminatory behaviour based on a person's age, contributing to a hostile atmosphere.

Learn More About

It's vital to address and combat harassment in all its forms, fostering respectful and inclusive environments. Recognising and addressing harassment requires awareness, support, and intervention tailored to the specific context. If you are experiencing a difficult time, or concerned for someone’s safety, contact us.